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Promoting, supporting, and expanding the arts as an integral aspect of community life in the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia. The Fredericksburg Arts Commission (FAC) is composed of local residents who are passionate about art and the role it plays in the City of Fredericksburg.


The Mission of the Fredericksburg Arts Commission is to promote, support and expand the arts as an integral part of life for all people in the Fredericksburg, Virginia, area. The Commission advises the City on policy and program development, oversees the grants and public arts programs, advocates for the arts and acts as liaison between the arts community and the City.


FAC’s vision is to serve as a valuable resource for all things arts-related in our community. To build this resource, we provide services with and for artists, arts organizations, and arts educators, and advocate on behalf of arts interest to local and state governments.

Fredericksburg Arts Commission (FAC):

    • Fosters artistic growth in the region by providing information resources, hosting celebratory arts events, and co-sponsoring community cultural events and projects.
    • Advocates for the arts by creating a unified voice for encouragement of arts support at local, state, and national levels and by drawing connections between the arts and the community.
    • Coordinates programs for partnership that educate citizens about the arts, increases access to the arts, and provide forums that address art-related issues in our community.

Public Art Policy

Fredericksburg City Council approved the Arts Commission Public Art Policy on September 24, 2013. The Arts Commission is currently revising this policy.


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