The name of the organization shall be the Fredericksburg Arts Commission, defined by section 10-191 of the City Code of Fredericksburg, Virginia.
The Fredericksburg Arts Commission, hereafter known as “the Commission”, promotes, supports, and expands the arts as in integral aspect of life for all people in the Fredericksburg area. The Commission advises the City on policy and program development, oversees the grants and public art programs, advocates for the Arts, and acts as a liaison between the arts community and the City. Arts Commission Members are appointed by the City Council.
The principal office of the Commission shall be located in the City of Fredericksburg.
Section 1. Membership
- The Fredericksburg Arts Commission shall be appointed by City Council and shall be composed of up to eleven voting members who have specific knowledge, interest, or expertise in the arts.
- The Commission shall include up to two (2) voting members of City Council. The City Manager shall nominate one city staff member to serve as a non-voting member of the Commission. This staff member shall be responsible for the keeping of all necessary financial records to ensure oversight of the financial and other assets in the care of the Commission, and, as applicable to satisfy all City of Fredericksburg ordinances applicable to City resources and assets.
- Members of the Commission shall be appointed for a term of four years each.
- Members shall be appointed for no more than two (2) consecutive full terms and shall be eligible for reappointment after an absence of one (1) year.
- A Member appointed to fill a vacancy shall be appointed for the remainder of the vacated term.
- Items c, d, and e do not apply to Commission members who are members of City Council.
Section 2. Parliamentary Authority
All matters shall be decided by a simple majority vote unless otherwise specified herein. In the event of a tied vote, the motion in question is defeated.
Section 3. Attendance
Attendance shall be governed by the policy set by the Commission.
Section 4. Resignation/Termination
- Any Commission Member may resign at any time by submitting written notice of such resignation to the Chair of the Commission. The Chair may resign by submitting notice to the Clerk of Council and the Vice Chair of the Commission or other Commission member.
- A Commission Member may be terminated by a recommendation to the Fredericksburg City Council and a vote of the Council to terminate the Commission Member.
Section 1. Designation and Number
The officers of the Commission shall be the Chair, the Vice-Chair, and the Recording Secretary. Other officers may be elected if the majority of the Commission determines it to be necessary or desirable for the efficient administration of the Commission.
Section 2. Legal Counsel
The Commission may retain legal counsel.
Section 3. Approval of Officers and Terms of Office
- Officers shall be elected by the Commission.
- Each officer shall be elected for a one (1) year term.
- Terms shall coincide with the Commission’s fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Section 4. Special Appointment of Officers
An officer may be appointed by a simple majority of the Commission to fill a vacancy or to serve a shortened term. This may be done at any time during the year with an expiration date of the appointment(s) so made coinciding with the Commission’s fiscal year (July 1-June 30).
Section 5. Resignation or Termination of Officers
- An officer may resign at any time by submitting written notice of such resignation to the Commission.
- An officer may be removed from office by a 2/3 vote of all other Commission Members at a regular meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose.
- A special election shall be held as soon as possible to fill any Officer vacancies.
Section 6. Duties
- The Chair of the Commission shall preside at all full Commission meetings, shall sign all documents requiring an official signature on behalf of the Commission, including its annual report to the Fredericksburg City Council. The Chair shall ensure that the transaction of all Commission business is in accord with any applicable law, these by-laws, and the conflict of interest statement identified in Article X. The Chair shall recommend, with the Commission’s approval, Chairs and Commission Members to serve on the various standing and special Committees of the Commission. No pronouncements made by the Chair as spokesperson or representative of the Commission shall obligate or commit the Commission except as provided in these by-laws or as otherwise specifically authorized by the Commission.
- The Vice-Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair to conduct meetings or otherwise perform such duties as may be delegated by the Chair of the Commission.
- The Recording Secretary of the Commission shall be responsible for taking minutes during Commission meetings. All Commission records and minutes shall be kept at the office of the Commission Member appointed by the City Manager and shall be open to inspection by the public at reasonable times.
Section 1. Committee Composition
The Chair with the approval of the Commission shall create such standing and ad-hoc committees as may be required to conduct the business of the Commission. The Chair of the Commission shall appoint at least two (2) Members to each committee. These appointees may include non-voting community members who are not Commission Members as long as there are at least two (2) Commission Members on the Committee, one of which shall be the Committee Chair.
Section 2. Standing Committees
The following shall be standing committees of the Commission:
- Public Art. This standing committee is charged with developing policies and programs that support City public art and with maintaining an inventory of existing City public art.
- Publicity. This standing committee is charged with developing and maintaining the commission’s website, social media, and other publicity channels.
- Funding. This standing committee shall consist of the Chair and at least one Member appointed by the Chair. This committee is charged with reviewing funding applications, making funding recommendations to the Commission, and coordinating any efforts to obtain funds outside of the Commission’s City budget allocation.
- Venues. This standing committee is charged with: (a) identifying viable performing and exhibition venues within the City, (b) assessing needs and deficiencies of performing and exhibition venues, (c) generating a plan to meet those needs, (d) promoting performance and exhibition opportunities within the city.
- Outreach. This standing committee is charged with promoting cultural events within the City by providing information to aid event coordinators, championing legislation to encourage an event-friendly environment, and attracting new events to the area. This committee shall also be charged with developing and coordinating any events sponsored by the Commission.
The Commission shall submit written report annually in the fourth quarter of the calendar year to the City Council, outlining the commission’s accomplishments and problems of the past year and setting forth its plans and proposals for the upcoming calendar year. It shall also submit any other reports requested of required by the Fredericksburg City Council.
Section 1. Public Meetings
All meetings and business of the Commission shall comply with requirements of the Fredericksburg City Code and the code of the Commonwealth of Virginia regarding open meetings.
Section 2. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Commission shall be held monthly at such place within the City of Fredericksburg as shall be determined by the Commission Chair and approved by the Commission.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Upon the call of the Chair or any four (4) Commission Members or a vote of the Commission, other meetings of the full Commission may be held upon notice by letter, telephone, e-mail, or in person, sent at least three (3) working days before such a meeting to each Commission Member and to the public. All notices shall be in compliance with Virginia Law.
Section 4. Quorum
Fifty percent (50%) of voting Commission Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at Commission meetings.
Section 5. Formal Action
Every act done or decision made by a majority of the Commission Members present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present shall be regarded as the act of the Commission.
Section 6. Agenda
The agenda for all meetings of the Commission shall be prepared by the Chair. Additional agenda items may be proposed by any Commission Member. Copies of the agenda shall be sent to Commission Members no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting.
Section 7. Conduct of the Meeting
All meetings shall be open to the public, but participation in discussions by members of the public shall be at the discretion of the Chair of the meeting with a simple majority vote of the Commission. The agenda shall be followed to the extent possible, but other matters may be considered with a simple majority vote of the Commission.
Section 8. Public Appearances and Requests
- Each Commission meeting will have time set aside for public comment.
- Any individual or organization may request to make a presentation to the Commission. Such requests must be made in writing, by telephone, or by email and shall be delivered to the Commission Chair at least seven (7) working days prior to the meeting of the Commission. The communication shall include all relevant facts concerning the personal appearance or request.
Section 9. Records
- Minutes and records of the business conducted at all meetings of the Commission shall be kept and shall be open for public inspection. The Minutes and records of each meeting shall be subject to approval by the Commission and shall be signed by an officer of the Commission, usually the Secretary. The Minutes shall be forwarded to each Commission Member prior to the next subsequent meeting for approval and action at such subsequent meeting.
- Approved Minutes shall be submitted to the Clerk of Council at the earliest opportunity after the meeting in which the Minutes are approved.
No Commission Member or member of its Committees shall receive compensation for services rendered as a Commission or Committee Member, but by resolution of the Commission may be reimbursed for expenses associated with their duties.
The Commission agrees to adopt the Conflict of Interest Policy of the City of Fredericksburg as it appears now or as amended in the future.
Section 1. Notice
Any proposed bylaws changes must be referenced in any public notice for the meeting at which a vote to amend the by-laws will be taken.
Section 2. Adoption
These by-laws may be amended, added to, or repealed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the full Commission.
The Commission agrees to adopt the Nondiscrimination Policy of the City of Fredericksburg as it appears now or as amended in the future.
Revised June 2019